My Inspiration/ Research

 Matt Carlson - Freelance Illustrator


Here is one of many pieces of work from the freelance illustrator Matt Carlson. I was drawn in by this design as it very easily catches the viewer's attention without being an overly complex design. And this is where I have taken inspiration for my own leaflet. I like the simplistic design of the trees and I think that a similar design would be very effective in my design. I also like the subtle hints of a gradient on the greenery of the trees this is another part of the design that I would like to implement into my own work.

Hemanta - Graphic designer


This is a piece of work that was created by the graphic designer - Hemanta. 

What I like about this design is, I really like the use of two-tone colours on some of the landscapes as I find it adds some character to the object without giving it an over-the-top complex design. This is something that I have integrated into my design. 

Afroditi Constantinou - Graphic Designer


This is a book cover that was created by the graphic designer Contantinou. What I like about this design; I like the strong contrast between the background colour and the foreground object. I think that this has a massive impact on how captivating this design is. This is a very important feature that I want in my design as within the first few seconds a person looks at something they will decide whether they are interested in that design, and this is something that I need in my design as I want to captivate my user's eye and attention.
